Monday, August 24, 2009

137th Annual Country Fair

Another year, another fair down. We had a great time! The kids both did well in 4-H projects and Open Class projects. It was a typical fair in that it rained on us; seems to do that every year. But all in all we all had a blast. It was much more enjoyable for me with the kids older. They took responsibility for their projects and animals. All the bunnies won in one form or another. Top winners were Hannah and Princess.

The Petting Farm is the fundraising event for local 4-H and the kids both decided to work it. They had a great time handling the bunnies, chickens and baby chicks, ducks and baby pigmy goats. (The baby goats were just hours old when I shot the pictures.)

Proudest moment--LOL--Scout won the pie eating contest for his age group for the second year in a row!