Scout heard about a homeschool high school dance in the paper last year. He thought it sounded cool, but wasn't old enough to attend. I filed it away for later, but I really thought he'd forget about it. Dancing isn't his thing. I was proven wrong, when Scout started asking about the dance at the end of September. I tracked down the info, emailed the coordinator of the event and got the info. There was to be a Masquerade Ball at the end of October. He was very excited! (Yep, he really was! LOL)
Masquerade meant coming up with a costume--he did very well, I think.

He gathered some friends and I agreed to drive them all over to the dance. (It's about 50 minutes away.) We all met at one house so Moms could take pictures (of course LOL). They were a handsome/beautiful bunch.

They all had a blast and are planning to attend the next one--December's SnowBall. It seems to get increasingly difficult to find friends in the homeschool community as the kids get older. So I'm very thankful that the dance worked out so well and Scout--and all--had such a good time together.