Friday, November 5, 2010

October Memories

Three words perfectly describe where our October went.
God is amazing! The Stats:
  • 1200 hot dogs
  • 471 kids (not counting babies or kids older than 5th grade)
  • over 200 volunteers
  • about 100 bags of candy
  • 40 gallons of ice cream
  • 40 gallons of cider
  • 24 dozen donuts
  • 27 pies (Pie Baking Contest)
  • 10 games
  • 5 crafts
  • 3 inflatables
  • 2 goats, 2 rabbits, 2 dogs & 1 mini horse
  • 1 fire truck, 1 police car
  • 1 hay ride
Lots of people from the community came and checked us out and played for the evening. A great time was had by all. Once again I didn't get any pictures, but the evening was priceless.

Friday, October 15, 2010

An Entire Weekend


For the entire weekend--Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon--my house will be quiet. Well, as quiet as the puppy and I want it. :-)

PinkOne is headed off to the Junior High Retreat and DH is a Faith Guide (adult leader) so he is going too. I thought I was going to get a weekend with the boy--very unusual around here--but he got a call from the Youth Pastor and one of the Teen Leaders can't go at the last minute. Scout was very responsible about clearing his work schedule--he owes Daniel LOL--and getting his Sunday obligations--sound board for the kid's program--covered. So at the last minute, Scout is off to be a teen leader. I think he'll be a great one.

The Youth Pastor is still looking for another female Faith Guide, but PinkOne has vehemently asked that I not go. And I agree with her. It's not a bad thing really; I consider it a good/growing thing for her. As a homeschooling Mom, I feel it is really important for the kids to have other adult leaders for their activities.

So what to do this weekend?!? Unfortunately, Emma won't let me sleep in--my heart's desire--but I just might get the sewing machine out and make a mess on the dining room table. And I won't even have to put it away when it's time to eat.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Hate Olive Oil

Yes, I know that olive oil is good for you--to eat. But it isn't coming out of my jeans

Besides the fact that I really only have one "nice" pair of jeans--these that now have the stain that won't come out--I really hate shopping. What? Every girl loves to shop! No, not this girl because:
  • I'm between sizes, always.
  • I hate spending money on anything I don't have to.
  • The time it takes to find a pair that fits properly for me is time I need to be doing something else.
  • Have you shopped for jeans lately? Mature female bodies--and actually even most young female bodies--should never wear "low rise".
Oh yeah, and I didn't budget for new jeans for me this month. humpf. DH's comment-- "Sorry babe, I really think this is above the line. Go shopping. You have to have pants."

sigh. I'm off to shop.

Monday, October 4, 2010

September Memories

DH and I took a little trip--just a couple days--to one of our favorite places on earth to celebrate our 20th anniversary. It was pretty good weather, great conversation and fun to just chill with each other. We've decided to make it an annual trip, so I'll have to remember the camera next year. LOL
I'm in love...
Aren't they cute?! Their wool is gorgeous and so soft. Alpacas may have to be in my future somehow. (Way in the future though.)

She is healing just fine and the sling is gone. She can start to do push ups; a couple each day. So far so good. She did fine with her dance tryouts too--two extra group invitations. Since she watched the neighbors' cat last winter while they were vacationing for several months, she has the money for one group. We pay for one, so she didn't have to turn one down this year. She is very excited. The dance studio shuffled things around this summer, and put her in a new group. She is sad to leave her best buddy, but is loving her new group. It is a move up for her and we are so proud of her dedication and work ethic. I can't believe this is her 10th year of dance!

Tonight Scout passes on the Senior Patrol Leader position to another scout. He has learned a lot and grown in so many ways. But he is excited to go back "into the ranks" as he puts it and let someone else be responsible for the planning, etc. His new responsibility is Webmaster, so he won't even have to attend the monthly planning meeting. At the Court of Honor last week he earned a couple more Eagle required badges. He should wrap up his last required badge tomorrow night. The Eagle project is already in the works...

He got a job! Scout is a working man 10 hours a week. He is a page at our local library. It is the best first job ever. Mrs. K has known him since he was 1 1/2 and I brought him to storytime. He loves working for her. And the paycheck wasn't too shabby either. LOL He has visions of a snowboard--and a car.

August Memories

Yeah, yeah, I know. But here we go...

The Hike of the Year
The guys got back from hiking Philmont Scout Ranch safely. No bears--thank you Lord!--and all in one piece. I'm told they earned their man card with this one. Over 86 miles hiked and up to Mount Baldy and ...(some other mountain I can't remember). The pictures are amazing and a trip Scout will never forget. He loved it so much that he says he wants to move to "a house in the mountains in New Mexico". Guess it was that awesome!

THE Fair

Good year all around. PinkOne got FIRST--thank you very much!--for Junior Showmanship with her rabbit. Scout and Emma got a first for agility! They did well with obedience too--HA! (ho would have ever thought it; Emma is maturing into an awesome dog.) PinkOne's chickens went for a whopping $60 at the Silent Auction; thanks, Grandpa ;-). Scout won the pie eating contest--3rd year in a row. LOL Scout did well in rabbit showmanship also--but he doesn't think so. He's such a perfectionist! It was his first year as a Senior and he placed 6th.

Weather was great except for Thursday when we had tornado warnings. We finally made a dash for the car and headed for home only to find out that a tornado had actually cut through our subdivision at home! We had power, but most everyone else in the sub did not for several days. We were also blessed with no damage to our house or yard. There were homes damaged, but no one was hurt.
Misc. Happenings
Scout had a Senior High Youth Group retreat that was a blast; so I'm told. LOL He especially loved the afternoon of paintball with his buddies.
PinkOne fractured her radius/elbow during a dance class. She kicked really high--yeah!--but her other foot slipped out from under her--no!--and down she went. She finished up dance--of course--but started feeling the pain on the way home. We iced her, but by morning it was still hurting. Several trips to various doctors/hospitals later and we had it confirmed; broken. She didn't let it stop her though; dance try-outs were the next evening. She did her best with her arm in her sling.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

School Pictures

Yes, I homeschool our kids. I decided early on that I wanted to shoot pictures of them each year--just like "school pictures" only better. We've gone to the same park for several years now and I love the pictures I've gotten. But we have a new park right in our neighborhood and I've noticed LOTS of weddings coming to take pictures. A few weekends they've needed a traffic director for all the limos! lol We decided to check it out and WOW--it is awesome.

We only shot photos for 45 minutes and then the clouds started to move in. We want to go back and shoot a few more. And we want to take the dog with us too. But I got some good pictures all ready.

It will come as no surprise to those of you who know Scout, that he still doesn't like this process. However as he gets more "into" taking his own photos, he is pointing out shots for me to try.

Like this one; it's one of my favorites actually.

Although THIS ONE is my favorite--PinkOne still loves her brother!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!!

It is 10:30 pm and everyone is heading off to bed. We are all set for the craziness of the fair to start tomorrow.
All the displays are set up, entries are tagged and turned in--or are going tomorrow.
Animals are all ready to go.
Laundry is done--for the moment; house is picked up--for the most part.
Both kids have done their best to be prepared. It should be a fun--if crazy-busy--week.

Sunday--4-H craft/project judging; rabbit & poultry turn-in
Monday--PinkOne finds out if she won Youth Achiever
Tuesday--4-H Dog Obedience & Showmanship; 4-H Poultry showing
Wednesday--both kids want to work the Petting Farm for the morning
Thursday--4-H Rabbit Day
Friday--Livestock Auction & Petting Farm duty
Saturday--4-H Dog Agility & Fun Match; Open Class Rabbits
Sunday--last day--everything comes home

Monday, August 9, 2010

July Memories

National Dance Competition. That was a quick girls' trip to a huge waterpark hotel. PinkOne danced her heart out and then we played all the next day in the pools. She had a blast with her galpal and I read a book by the outside pool for a couple hours. That was awesome!

Summer Dance. This is the time of year the studio decides which kids will make up which groups for competition teams. PinkOne has danced with the same basic team for 3 years. She is one of two 12 year-olds on the team; everyone else is at least 14/15 and up. They've been great, but I've been praying for a group she will have more in common and maybe/hopefully find a good friend or two for the long haul. Well, PinkOne got a new group. I'm thrilled--they are her age--and she is thrilled. The group includes 2 boys (yeah, Mom, we can do lifts now!) and they are a group that is better suited in work ethic as well. PinkOne is serious about her dancing, and so is this team. It's a nice group too--parents and kids all get along with each other. The only bummer is that her one friend from the old group--the other 12 year-old--was placed with a different team this year.

PinkOne decided to do a Poultry project this year for 4-H. We picked up the little darlings right after the fourth of July. They head to the fair next week. It's been a learning experience all right! It's a good thing they don't stay this cute for long. PinkOne is more than willing to sell them at the auction now.

PinkOne spent a week with her BFF at a church camp. They swam, rode horses (yep, she loved her horse, SpitFire), sang songs, and had a great time. Their counselor was the awesome Ms. Hayleigh--who showed the girls that you can be super-smart, fun and love Jesus all at the same time! Thanks, Hayleigh! And yes, when we picked the girls up they were still BFFs. lol

Philmont Adventure. DH and Scout headed out for the Scout High Adventure backpacking trip of a lifetime in New Mexico. I heard from them a couple times, once when they were standing at 12000 feet up a mountain. No bears--thank you, Lord--and they had an amazing trip. (So I've been able to piece together. They are currently stranded in Chicago waiting for their train to be fixed/swapped so they can head home. Phone signals have been sporadic.) They should be home sometime tomorrow. Can't wait to see them. Last I spoke with Scout, he'd taken about 600 (gasp!) pictures, so I'll have lots to see of the trip too. (LOL--he is his mother's child.)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

June Memories

Scout's week of serving on the island with the MISST troop (Scout Service Troop). This year he even met the governor and shook her hand. (While we aren't that happy with the job she's done for our state, he thought it was cool to meet her.) And he was polite. Gotta love that Scout oath!
Emma's first trip. She rode in the van, slept overnight in a hotel, rode on a ferry boat--twice--and spent the (rainy--it really was NOT nice) day in a crowded town with very little options. But she got to see her boy after a week of being apart. I guess that made it all worthwhile.

Recitals--need I say more? PinkOne was in 4 out of 5 shows this year--sheesh!

First Dog Match. It was HOT! But Scout and Emma did well and learned a lot. Emma loves her agility! Scout actually learned that he needs to slow Emma down for the Novice class this year.

The Mother of All Estate Sales. I worked a lot of days to help wrap up this sale. Three houses emptied out and the family is pleased. Learned it is a LOT of hard, nasty, work; but I got paid well.

Cedar Point. Scout's first trip. He had a blast with all his Youth Group buddies.
Backpacking Prep weekend. DH did awesome! He was worried, but I wasn't. He bounced back from his hernia (double) surgery really well. Scout did well too.

Emma's first swim. We spent the day with Mom & Dad at the boat. Everyone--except my Dad--got in the canal and swam around. Emma loved it once she got in. She also took a dinghy ride with her boy. Scout did a great job driving!

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Sheesh! Where does the time go?!?! This mothering gig is tough work! I am always on the go/doing something and the time is just flying by. But the kids are happy and healthy. Some days we even see glimpses of what awesome adults they will be. : )

I haven't posted since May?! I can't believe it, but see above. Maybe I'll try a monthly update. (Yeah, I know I totally missed June and it is almost August. But I'll see what I remember.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My NEW Favorite Thing

The Magic Eraser!

Why didn't anyone tell me about this cool thing? Well to be fair, I was told to use it to clean PinkOne's jazz shoes--and it does that beautifully! I don't know why I didn't try it on other things until this past weekend. But those scuffed (awful) counter tops--magically clean! The floor--oh my! My nasty-looking floor--(it NEVER looks clean after all the sand, etc. that has been tracked through there forever)--so much better! Still scuffed up, but not nearly as nasty-looking. Scout crated the puppy for a bit on Sunday and Magic Eraser-ed the whole floor. I love that boy!

One warning though, don't use it on wood surfaces. I tried a spot on one of my kitchen cabinets and it left a cloudy spot. But everything else so far--I love it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Harry Potter or Sleep?

Apparently PinkOne thought it was a good idea to read Harry Potter rather than sleep Sunday night. (I handed her book 2 half an hour before bedtime and she only had 4 pages to go at breakfast. Busted!) Hhmm.

No, it was not a good choice. We've rectified the situation by instituting a wake-up time every morning. (Yes, I know most people have this. But as homeschoolers, and dance keeping her out until late several nights a week, I've been lax on this issue.)

This morning I let Emma wake her up. (HA!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I just copied all my old posts at my old blog place. I've preserved them in a word document so I don't loose them. (Don't un-used blogs get deleted eventually?) I've been meaning to do that for months! It feels good to get that done.

And yes, I am now ready to tackle the house spring cleaning! (No new projects at church for me for a long while.) I started on the outside gardens earlier this week; we've had some beautiful weather. But it is currently raining, so that's done for now. Scout and Emma are settled with a book. PinkOne has a girlfriend here that spent the night. They are deciding which movie that want to watch while they knit. I've been battling laryngitis and it has really wiped me out. Think I'll go take a nap!

Dance Competition--3/28

With makeup on and everything loaded into the car, PinkOne and I headed about an hour away on Sunday morning, early. (According to PinkOne WAY. TOO. EARLY. That's how much this one loves to dance!) We were there right on schedule--8am. She had 3 dances this time around and each of them did well. Not as well as she would have liked, but I can see such growth in PinkOne. The next competition is the first of May. Lots of time for improvement.

We were home by 5:30pm--just in time for my birthday dinner. Happy Birthday, to Me.

Easter Wrap Up

The Family Easter Experience was a blast! The kids sang beautifully and then all the families really participated in the Walk through Jesus' Life. Most of them even did the activities in order! That is amazing to me. The families were really into it; so cool to see.

I was so blessed by two awesome friends that came by and spent the day helping set up the scenes and activities. The teens were amazing. They all really got int their roles and interacted with the families. We heard more compliments for them and their behavior. That was great. But I admit that the best part for me was hearing them all laughing together and playing along. They all knew their parts and were able to discuss it. They had a good time while serving--PRICELESS.
The Carpenter's Shop was a big hit. So was the opportunity to try and carry the crossbar like Jesus.

Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper and the Empty Tomb:

The kids all enjoyed the crafts and games and we ran out of food just on time. All in all a great time. The Youth Minister bribed/rewarded the teens with pizza and many of them stayed to help tear everything down and put stuff away. We were home by 4pm--amazing! And much appreciated since PinkOne had Dance Competition the next day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Countdown Begins

Four days and counting until the Family Easter Event.

Today we started setting up the stage for the short children's program. PinkOne was my helper while Scout stayed home with Emma. Scout also got a 2 hour nap; which was good since he is fighting a nasty cold.

All eggs are stuffed and half the goodie bags are done. I've been digging around the storage closets at church to find stuff to use as props, costumes, etc. for the different settings. I was so excited yesterday when I found a crown of thorns! (Crossed that off the ToDo list.) And today I scored on a kiddie pool--for the fishers of men room--and goodies for setting up the Last Supper.

The list is still pretty long, but it is all coming together. Praise the Lord!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Coming into the final stretch of the church project. I'm just taking a quick break. I've decided to do a "Journey through the life of Jesus". The families will collect 12 eggs from different stations/activities. Each egg will have a memory jogger inside to go along with the story. (I have that written and am waiting for approval for printing.) I started with a baby in egg 1 for when Jesus was born, and the last egg is empty--because he wasn't in the tomb, but alive! Once again we have no idea how many will come to this event--it's never been done before. The Fall Fest numbers scare me! But God is good and everything will come together. I'm planning for 200 families. Off to stuff nails in egg 11!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, PinkOne

We took PinkOne for an ultrasound of her heart last week--she is experiencing shortness of breath when exercising--and we heard her heartbeat on the monitor. It was just like when I was pregnant with her--that awesome sound of your baby's heartbeat. Only now my baby is turning 12.

We still aren't sure what's going on with her breathing. They did a battery of tests and prescribed an inhaler. Most of her test results have been normal and first-glance at her ultrasound pictures seemed fine too. The true test of the inhaler will come this Saturday when PinkOne has Hip-Hop practice. This is her extra competition group and they work really hard. I'm praying that the inhaler does the job, although I'd love for the symptoms to just go away and make the inhaler unnecessary.

But tomorrow we celebrate the blessing of PinkOne with lunch out as a family, cake with Trader Joe's "ice cream" and presents. I'm sure there will be some dancing too. This child can't move without dancing, especially when she's happy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Man, I can't believe I haven't updated since 2009. LOL Things have been busy around here--of course.

Emma is growing like a weed. Yesterday she weighed in at 13.8 pounds when we took her to be spayed. We are supposed to keep her quiet for 7-10 days. I looked at the tech and said, "she's part border collie!" and the tech just laughed. RIGHT! I stayed up with Emma last night and it was a rough one. She is feeling much better today though and I see that our "stay quiet" is already turning into a challenge. Scout was on puppy duty most of the day and especially while I caught a nap.

Scout has taken up snowboarding--and loves it. He attended the Youth Retreat last weekend and had a blast. Some of our homeschool friends from church go skiing/snowboarding locally every other Tuesday. He loves that time with friends too.

Easter is fast approaching, and I've taken on the job of a "Family Easter Experience" at church. Yep, I am certifiable! We are creating an Easter Walk of Jesus' life and adding in the "egg hunt" through our own version of Resurrection Eggs. I need to come up with a name for the dozen eggs; each family will get an empty carton when they arrive and fill the eggs in as they do the different activities. Then each kid will get a goodie bag filled with candy and -- goodies.

So between the upcoming events and the schooling, scouting, 4-H & dance we are doing, life is pretty busy--but I wouldn't change a thing!