Emma's first trip. She rode in the van, slept overnight in a hotel, rode on a ferry boat--twice--and spent the (rainy--it really was NOT nice) day in a crowded town with very little options. But she got to see her boy after a week of being apart. I guess that made it all worthwhile.
Recitals--need I say more? PinkOne was in 4 out of 5 shows this year--sheesh!
First Dog Match. It was HOT! But Scout and Emma did well and learned a lot. Emma loves her agility! Scout actually learned that he needs to slow Emma down for the Novice class this year.
The Mother of All Estate Sales. I worked a lot of days to help wrap up this sale. Three houses emptied out and the family is pleased. Learned it is a LOT of hard, nasty, work; but I got paid well.
Cedar Point. Scout's first trip. He had a blast with all his Youth Group buddies.
Backpacking Prep weekend. DH did awesome! He was worried, but I wasn't. He bounced back from his hernia (double) surgery really well. Scout did well too.
Emma's first swim. We spent the day with Mom & Dad at the boat. Everyone--except my Dad--got in the canal and swam around. Emma loved it once she got in. She also took a dinghy ride with her boy. Scout did a great job driving!