Saturday, September 3, 2011


This year's weather has been tough! It was so cool for so long and then...BAM! Blueberries didn't fair very well--we missed out on those all together. Our favorite picking farm really struggled to have berries available to pick and those already picked were so expensive! But the peaches are beautiful and plentiful.
First half bushel gave me:
2 batches Peach Salsa
1 batch Peach-Pineapple Jam
peaches gobbled by the family :-)

I just picked up another half bushel today at the market. In a couple days I plan to can quarts of peaches in light syrup. Haven't done that in ages, but these are so good and much more reasonable than the past couple of years. The farmer tells me I should get about 12 quarts from my half bushel; we'll see how I do.