Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been a whirlwind around here lately; what's new right? So here's an update of what we've been doing.
We participated in a Young Eagles event. (DH is a private pilot.) My kids love these events and fly every time. PinkOne and I helped at the registration desk (picnic table). Scout and DH helped everyone fill out their paperwork and just generally chat with the crowd. You can find more info here:

We visited the zoo with our 4-H Club. What a great time! Everyone researched a different animal and then shared what they had learned at that location. I always enjoy those visits.

Of course all play and no we helped Grandpa unload the last of the hay.

One of the wagons had been sitting in the barn for a week because of weather--read rain. It must have seemed like the perfect spot for Mama Kitten to have her babies because Scout found a nest of 3 kittens among several of the bales. At no more than a week old, they didn't even have their eyes open yet.

I was very thankful they were too young to leave Mama, or I probably would have caved and let one--or three--come home with us.
Once the wagon was unloaded, Scout and Grandma made a new nest of loose hay for them.

PinkOne prayed that night that Mama Kitten would find them quickly and move them. (Predators are a fact of life on the farm.)

We got the update yesterday from Uncle; Mama Kitten moved them to a new location--under the bench in the milk house--and they seem to be doing great.

Since the rain finally gave us a break, we decided to visit The Village with one of our favorite families Monday. It was a beautiful day and we all had a blast. We are hoping for one more trip with our friends before their year membership runs out. Our membership lasts through fall, so we will be visiting several more times.

Tonight is our Youth Picnic. We have been shopping for pop, meat and paper products. I'll be prepping onions, tomatoes, etc. this morning. DH boiled the brats last night so they should cook much faster this year. (Lesson learned.) 150 brats, 90 hamburgers & 60 hot dogs; I pray it's enough to feed all those teenagers and their families.

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