Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Countdown Begins

Four days and counting until the Family Easter Event.

Today we started setting up the stage for the short children's program. PinkOne was my helper while Scout stayed home with Emma. Scout also got a 2 hour nap; which was good since he is fighting a nasty cold.

All eggs are stuffed and half the goodie bags are done. I've been digging around the storage closets at church to find stuff to use as props, costumes, etc. for the different settings. I was so excited yesterday when I found a crown of thorns! (Crossed that off the ToDo list.) And today I scored on a kiddie pool--for the fishers of men room--and goodies for setting up the Last Supper.

The list is still pretty long, but it is all coming together. Praise the Lord!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Coming into the final stretch of the church project. I'm just taking a quick break. I've decided to do a "Journey through the life of Jesus". The families will collect 12 eggs from different stations/activities. Each egg will have a memory jogger inside to go along with the story. (I have that written and am waiting for approval for printing.) I started with a baby in egg 1 for when Jesus was born, and the last egg is empty--because he wasn't in the tomb, but alive! Once again we have no idea how many will come to this event--it's never been done before. The Fall Fest numbers scare me! But God is good and everything will come together. I'm planning for 200 families. Off to stuff nails in egg 11!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, PinkOne

We took PinkOne for an ultrasound of her heart last week--she is experiencing shortness of breath when exercising--and we heard her heartbeat on the monitor. It was just like when I was pregnant with her--that awesome sound of your baby's heartbeat. Only now my baby is turning 12.

We still aren't sure what's going on with her breathing. They did a battery of tests and prescribed an inhaler. Most of her test results have been normal and first-glance at her ultrasound pictures seemed fine too. The true test of the inhaler will come this Saturday when PinkOne has Hip-Hop practice. This is her extra competition group and they work really hard. I'm praying that the inhaler does the job, although I'd love for the symptoms to just go away and make the inhaler unnecessary.

But tomorrow we celebrate the blessing of PinkOne with lunch out as a family, cake with Trader Joe's "ice cream" and presents. I'm sure there will be some dancing too. This child can't move without dancing, especially when she's happy.